NGS: An application layer Network Game Simulator


  1. Disclaimer
  2. Quick Links
  3. News
  4. About
  5. License
  6. Publications
  8. Documentation
  9. Contact

1. Disclaimer

While we have put considerable effort into NGS to ensure that it operates correctly, this the result of an on-going research effort and is not a finished product. Bugs and errors are still being discovered in the source code. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE SIMULATION IS FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY AND NOT INVALIDATED BY BUGS OR ERRORS IN THE CODE.

2. Quick Links

3. News

BRITE-visualiser: 0.0.1 Release

I have created a small java program to help visualise BRITE topologies. It is very primitive and basic. I am only posting this as I thought it might help others. It is not a complete visualisation tool and I have no intention of developing it further. Every AS uses a different colour for its nodes (10 different colours). Edges between two nodes in the same AS are black. Edges between nodes in different ASs are red. You can download it from the download page.

10-01-07: 0.0.2 Release

This is the second release of ngs. The most significant improvements are:

You can grab version 0.0.2 from the download page now.

28-12-06: HOWTO

I have completed the HOWTO. It is uploaded here.

7-11-06: CGIE

CGIE has come and gone. Thank you to all of the people who gave me feedback on my talk.

I have added instructions for subversion to allow you to check out the latest code; however, at the time of writing it hasn't been modified since the 0.0.1 release.

I'm in the process of creating a tutorial to assist people in getting going with NGS. I plan to post it in the not so distant future. The unfinished version can be downloaded through subversion.


16-11-06: Website live.

This is the website dedicated to NGS. Feel free to download the source code and start experimenting. I will be presenting a paper on NGS at CGIE 2006. I hope to see you there. --Steve.

4. About

NGS is an application layer simulator specifically tailored for simulating new network game architectures. The goal is to provide a flexible simulation framework that can be used to compare and evaluate the myriad of new network gaming architectures such as VON, SimMud, FreeMMG, Solipsis, etc.

For more information about NGS please see publications.

5. License

The source code for the NGS Simulator is licensed under the GPL; however, the NGS package contains source code from other projects. The source code for other projects is released under the license chosen by the applicable project.

6. Publications

The following paper will be presented at CGIE 2006 between December 4th and 6th:

Webb, S., Lau, W., and Soh, S. (2006). NGS: An application layer network game simulator. In IE2006: Proceedings of the third Australasian conference on interactive entertainment (to appear). [PDF] [Bibtex].


You can download the NGS source code from the Sourceforge page.

For the latest source code please use the svn repository with the following commands:

svn checkout
svn checkout
svn checkout

8. Documentation

To get an overview of ngs I would recommend starting with the CGIE paper available here.

To get started developing an architecture there is a HOWTO.

If that isn't enough, I recommend building the java docs from the source - make docs - or jumping into the source code and having a look (it's well commented).

There is also a small amount of info in the doc directory of the source code, and in the README.

9. Contact

Please contact me at:

Alternatively you can visit my personnel web page.

Copyright © 2006, Steven Daniel Webb
Last modified on 28-12-2006
This website is kindly hosted by Sourceforge Sourceforge Logo